Clan Regulations Guide
What is World League?
Champion Strike?
Champion Strike Chest Info
Master Chest Info
Ads Skip Purchase Information
Ads Skip
What is Grade?
How to win the battle?
What is Gold?
When are you going to add new Cards?
Do you have a plan on adding new game modes?
How to control a Champion?
Any plans on adding new Champions?
How can I find my account?
How can I link my account?
How can I find my guest account?
Have not received the items after the transaction.
How can I cancel my purchase?
What is Clan?
What are the benefits of joining a Clan?
How to change a Clan Info?
How does the Seasonal Initialization work?
How does Seasonal Reward work?
What is Season Pass?
What is Season Pass Rewards?
What is Daily Mission?
How do I receive Mission Rewards?
What is the World League?
How does the World League work?
How does the ranking in World League work?
What is a Clan Race?
How does the Clan Race work?
I missed Clan Race rewards. Can I claim them again?
What is Gold & Ruby Rush?
How does the Gold & Ruby Rush work?
What do I need to know about the Gold & Ruby Rush?
What is 2v2 Battle?
What is Gold Battle?
How to participate Gold Battle?
What is an Event Battle?
Craft/Dismantle Guide
Game redirects me to Google Store but there is no patch available.
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